First Sunday = Maintenance DAY!

Subscriber Content I was still a bit tender from Milord's use of my body on Friday, the last day of the Shakespeare performance, but yesterday was June 2, the first Sunday of June which, per Spring Rules – 2024, means that it is maintenance day. Nothing short of illness will interfere with Maintenance Day. First, the … Continue reading First Sunday = Maintenance DAY!

Leap Day Tradition

Leap Day comes around only once every four years. One tradition associated with this rare day is that women are allowed to propose to men. Naturally, the trad began long before women's empowerment, but as a submissive wife, I thought I'd follow this with certain enticing twists. First, I sent Sir a text explaining my … Continue reading Leap Day Tradition

Remember Me Again

Remember Me Remember me as you sit so properly at your desk.Remember me as you laugh with your coworkers over a joke.Remember me when you eat your lunch and sip your hot tea.Remember me when you feel my cum dampen your panties.Remember me when you remove your plug every hour    only to replace it an hour … Continue reading Remember Me Again

It’s Mardi Gras

Milord threw a Mardi Gras party and, naturally, I was part of the entertainment. Luckily, he'd also "hired" other submissives, so I wasn't the only one attending to his 10 Dominant guests! I began by pre-mixing two pitchers of Hurricanes and setting out a whole table full of appetizers, including a traditional King's Cake. At … Continue reading It’s Mardi Gras