BDSM Advent – Hope

We again are celebrating Advent in a BDSM way. For this first Sunday, Hope. I am to HOPE for an orgasm. All. Week. Long.

“I’m going to edge you. Every day, several times a day. You may not orgasm this week. If you do, there will be consequences that I promise you won’t like. I, of course, will hope that you can’t control yourself,” he admitted with a grin, “because I absolutely will enjoy your consequences. Naturally, you may use your safeword if I am either hurting you or if you are on the verge of coming. Sound fun?”

It did!

And so it began.

Sunday: He licked and worshipped my pussy until I actually had to use my safeword. I was horrified! I had lasted only five minutes. Still, as soon as I said it, he stopped all activity, chuckled then left me in a panting, liquid heap on the bed.

“By the way, absolutely no masturbating either!” he called over his shoulder.

I growled.

Throughout the day he played with me, fingered me, sucked on my nipples, spanked my wet puss, and generally had a great time tormenting me. That night, he made love to me and, thank all that is good, came quickly.

Monday: I woke up frustrated. Milord proceeded to suck on my nipples and finger me until I was running my nails down his back. Then, he got ready for work and left!! Monday evening he had me splayed across his lap, naked, while he alternated between sweet spankings and fingerings while he watched television. Eventually, he had me kneel on the couch and lean over the back so he could again fuck me. This time, he went hard and, thankfully, fast.

Tuesday: Repeat of Monday except this time when we went to bed, he had me on my back, lifted my legs, lubed my anus, and buggered me while twisting my nipples. I couldn’t help it! this was just too much and, before I knew what was happening, I exploded with pleasure. He immediately pulled out and sprayed his cum across my belly.

“That will stay there until I allow you to shower. You may wash the rest of your body, but leave my cum.”

“Yes, Milord,” I panted, grateful that this was the only consequence. I should have known better.

Wednesday: Milord inserted a vibrator. “This is a special one. It’s controlled via bluetooth and can be used long distance. I’m actually working from home today, so I’ll be in my office. You, however, will keep that in all day long. If you orgasm again, I will expect you to come to me and confess,” he said sternly. Which I had to do twice. He bend me over the desk and immediately spanked me with his ruler the first time and his belt the second. That night, He had me suck his cock (THANK GOODNESS!!!) until he came down my throat and removed the vibrator.

Thursday: While preparing dinner, Milord clamped my nipples with vibrating clips. Only after we sat down to eat did he remove them. “How do you think the week is going?” he asked

“If your intent was to force me to think of nothing but orgasming, then it’s going well,” I responded.

He laughed.

That night, he made love to me slowly, gently, taking his time, attending to every erogenous zone on my body. I had to use my safeword. Twice. I was humiliated. He was amused.

Friday: I lost my shit. By the time evening came, I was sobbing, begging him for relief. I couldn’t take it anymore. I’d been good, aside from one slip up, all week. Please, please take pity on me. He did. by not touching me all night long. NOT what I meant.

Saturday: I was feeling very, very humbled. This morning I asked if I could suck him to orgasm, he said, “No, but you can suck on me. Once I’m hard and very wet, climb on top.” I paled, but obeyed. When I’m on top, my ass must be filled, either by a plug or him. I also come very, very quickly this way. And yes, I came again.

Which is why I am not bound to this chair, exhausted from the constant orgasms, watching the clock, and knowing I have thirty more minutes to go before Milord will release me.

Tomorrow starts the week dedicated to Peace. I wonder what type of Peace Milord has planned. Whatever it is, I’m sure I’ll be love and hate it as much as I have this week.

2 thoughts on “BDSM Advent – Hope

  1. Pingback: Finishing up the Season | Anarie Brady

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