2021 House Rules

Want to listen to this blog story? https://anchor.fm/anarie-brady/episodes/2021-House-Rules-e1c3ojm

I was bored. Milord was bored. So what do we do to relieve boredom? Update the New House Rules of course!

Old rule:  Wear ONLY matching lingerie and only on weekdays. No underclothing of any kind on weekends. Milord may also decree a weekday to be sans lingerie at his discretion.

NEW RULE: Wear underclothing ONLY while at work. At least one day wear a waist cincher or corset for a minimum of 4 hours. When not at work, underclothing may only be worn with Milord’s permission.

Old rule: When at home, No clothing of any kind will be allowed after 9:00 p.m. until 9:00 a.m. unless specific permission is given. I am not allowed to ask for an exception to this rule. If we have guests, upon His word, I may retire to our room at 9:00 p.m., but only if I request to do so. Milord may choose to follow this rule himself on occasion.

NEW RULE: The wearing of clothing of any kind while at home WITH Milord is allowed only upon his Word. If that Word is not given, all clothing must be removed within ten minutes of His arrival home.

Old rule: I will not drink any alcohol during the week.

New Rule: Alcohol may be drunk at any time. However, drunkenness will be severely punished.

Old rule: Each day I will insert a Yoni egg for at least one hour.

New Rule: Each weekday morning Milord or I will insert a Yoni egg into my vagina. It will remain there until Milord leaves for the day. I will have a plug in my ass when greeting Milord after he returns from work. Only he may remove it.

Old Rule: I will shave my legs, pits, and cat every day. I will also leave a thin “landing strip” only on my cat.

New Rule: I will make an appointment once a month to have my cat waxed. Milord will decide if I am to leave a landing strip or have a full Brazilian. (My legs and pits have been lasered, so no need to worry about them anymore!)


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2 thoughts on “2021 House Rules

  1. Pingback: Drunkenness will NOT be tolerated | Anarie Brady

  2. Pingback: Broken Rules | Anarie Brady

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