Advent Week 2 – Peace

Week 2 of Advent had arrived, and the air was filled with a sense of anticipation and joy. After last week, I was ready for a little peace, but Milord had other ideas. Our calendar was dotted with invitations to various Christmas parties, and Milord had volunteered me to prepare appetizers for each gathering.

“One more thing,” Milord said with deceptive casualness, “I know choosing what to wear can be stressful for you, so for this week, you can wear only one item of clothing at a time while in the house. Choose wisely.”

I grinned. That clever man! I opened the drawer where I kept my aprons and, to my horror, realized that I only had half aprons. My breasts would be totally exposed.

I chose one and donned it and began orchestrating a symphony of flavors, Milord watching me the whole time. My first creation was a platter of cranberry and goat cheese crostinis. I already had the crostinis, so I didn’t need to actually bake anything.

“Oh,” Milord said when we were getting ready for party number one, “You can wear up to three items, not counting shoes but counting a coat, when we go out.”

Three. It was cold outside, so I’d want that coat. That left me two items. I was pretty big on top, so I’d need a bra and, I finally decided, a long, simple dress. Sighing, I guessed this would basically be my uniform for the week.

“Perfect,” he complimented. “One more thing. I know how you slip into your zen, sub state after ever good girl spanking,” he sat on the bed, “so come here.”

I positioned myself and he flipped up my skirt. He was right. When he gave me a spanking for being a good girl or just because he felt like it, I did go into a meditative state. He applied his had evenly across my cheeks until I was soft as butter and wet as rain. He even began to finger me and murmured, “No restriction on your orgasms this week, Sophia.”

I exploded with pleasure.

Normally, I’m tense during parties, but that night, I was at ease, laughed, and had a great time.

On Wednesday, I crafted smoked salmon cucumber bites, carefully arranging them on a bed of dill, again, no heat required. The cool, refreshing taste of cucumber represented the calmness of a peaceful heart, and the subtle smokiness of the salmon added a touch of sophistication to the ensemble, I reasoned.

As the evening approached, Milord helped Sophia carry the appetizers to the awaiting car, her bottom a rosy pink and her pussy filled with come. The aroma wafting from the dishes filled the air, promising a feast for the senses.

Throughout the evening, Milord and Sophia shared stories of the true meaning of Christmas, emphasizing the importance of finding peace amid the chaos of the world. They hoped to inspire others to carry this message forward, fostering a sense of unity and understanding.

The week progressed, and party after party, Sophia continued to enchant guests with her culinary creations. Each dish, carefully thought out and artfully presented, became a conversation starter about the significance of peace during the holiday season.

At the final party of the week, hosted by a community organization, we found themselves surrounded by a diverse group of people. I snuggled close to Milord, thrilled with my slightly tender bottom and the small plug which filled it as well. I was wearing a tightly laced corset and a beautiful loose fitting dress. I adored knowing that even in such a conservative gathering, Milord could still make me feel loved, possessed, and wanted.

As the week came to a close, Milord asked me to reflect on the week. “At first, I hated being so limited on what I could wear, but by Tuesday, I loved it. You know, I think I really like wearing only my bra or corset and a dress. I like being open to you at any time. I also loved how when we were home you could touch or play with me anytime you wanted to without bothering to remove much clothing. Can we keep going with this arrangement?”

Milord laughed and carried me to our bedroom where we quickly found ourselves entwined with each other. He was deep inside of me, his hand grasping my hair close to the skull, and whispered, “No, we can’t keep going with this. Tomorrow starts Week 3, The week of Joy. I have plans.”

2 thoughts on “Advent Week 2 – Peace

  1. Pingback: Finishing up the Season | Anarie Brady

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