Leap Day Tradition

Leap Day comes around only once every four years. One tradition associated with this rare day is that women are allowed to propose to men. Naturally, the trad began long before women’s empowerment, but as a submissive wife, I thought I’d follow this with certain enticing twists.

First, I sent Sir a text explaining my idea and basically asking his permission to go forward. He immediately agreed.

I began by dressing in my newest body harness, the one that has a visible collar and o ring. Next, I set up carabiners and soft ropes for his later use. I have to admit, with every step of my preparation, I giggled and became more and more excited. Usually, Sir sets everything up or I do upon his direction. Today, it was all my ‘proposals’. Lube – check. Anal plug – check. Nipple clamps – check. Peppermint tingling lotion – check. By the time Sir arrived home, I was ready and waiting, seated at our bar with a lovely glass off tonic topped with a lime ready for him. (He doesn’t like to drink alcohol before a session.)

“Sir,” I began formally, standing up and placing my arms behind my back, tits out, and looking him straight in the eye. “I propose that you use each and every item I have laid out in the Play Room tonight. How you use them is up to you. I further propose that you not be limited by just those items. And finally, since this is an extra day of the year, that you deliver unto me at least one ‘extra’ of everything you plan. One extra spanking, one extra minute of being bound, one extra thrust.”

Sir sipped his drink then said, “Agreed. Now, into the Play Room.”

For the rest of the evening, Sir spanked my ass, giving it an extra ten swats, clipped my nipples, leaving them on an extra sixty seconds, fucked my pussy until he came inside of me, leashed me to the bed with enough slack so that I could worship his flaccid cock until it was no longer flaccid, filled my anus with tingling lube then fucked that hole until I begged for mercy which he ignored and continued to fuck me for god knows how long.

Eventually, he finished a second time. We showered (the harness being vinyl). He then used more off the rope to bind my wrists to the waistband of the harness and had me sit on the floor beside him while he fed me bits of cheese, bread and fruit. Once we both recovered our strength, he asked, “How’s that ass?”

“It’s perfect, Sir. Thank you for that extra lube you injected,” I answered sassily.

He laughed and said, “Glad you like it. I haven’t, by the way, utilized that big flexible plug you laid out.”

I bit my lip. No way could he perform a third time in one night.

“Go on. To the bedroom. Lie on your back,” he ordered.

Awkwardly, I did as he said, my hands still attached to the harness. He stood by the bed and said, “Now, suck my cock again. Don’t stop unless I tell you to or pull away.”

I leaned over to him, opened my mouth and began. He lifted my legs into the diaper position and inserted more lube. Lots of lube. Slowly, he pressed in the anal plug.

“Well done, love. That’s it. Press into it. I know it’s big, but being so flexible, you’ll be just fine, won’t you? Nice.”

I kept my lips pressed tightly around his cock. He stepped back, smiling, and untied my wrists, carefully wrapping and putting away the rope.

“Now, love, we’re going to sleep. I’m exhausted. You are going to keep that harness on and that plug in all night, aren’t you?”

“Yes, sir,” I dreamily responded.

“Good. And if I happen to wake up during the night, you’ll be ready for me again, won’t you?”

“Yes, Sir.”

And so, Leap Day ended with a little extra just before midnight.

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