Cold, Hard Steel – Friday

The weekend is all about steel. Cold, Hard Steel. I am allowed to wear more than just steel, but only with permission. To begin, I went to Boss’s apartment directly after work. I showered, shaved, made sure everything – inside and out – were scrupulously clean. Luckily, I get off work at 3 while Boss gets home at 6:30. I needed every moment to make sure my body was prepared to his specifications.

He comes in and I am kneeling, naked, a glass of scotch in my hands, eyes down. When I see his shoes in front of me, I lift up the glass. I have added metal whiskey “stones” to cool his drink without watering it down. He takes the glass, sips once, then orders me to stand. He takes out one of the cold “stones” and presses it inside my pussy. The cold makes me shiver and I am dripping wet.

“Don’t let that fall out,” he warns.

He sits on the couch, takes another sip, and tells me to come stand before him. After each sip, he inserts another round metal “stone.” It’s getting harder and harder to keep them inside of me. Just as he takes his last sip, one of the stones drops to the floor.

“Tsk, Tsk,” he mutters. “Stand in the middle of the room and grasp your ankles, Girl.”

Blushing, I obey. I hear him leave then return. He spreads my cheeks, which surprises me. I had anticipated a spanking. He inserts lube then a very cold metal plug into my anus.

“Stand,” he orders. “Now, push the other five out.”

Humiliated, I do so.

He then “dresses” me in a metal bra of sorts and matching metal panties. My nipples stick out of openings in the bra and the metal crotch is detachable. He also clips on a metal collar. He adjusts the adornments so that all three items fit very snuggly before he screw them all in place. I am unable to remove anything.

“Well. You look lovely. Comfortable?” he asks with a sneer on his face.

“No, Boss. It is very cold and quite tight,” I answer honestly.

He smiles. “Good. You will not be comfortable for most of the weekend, will you?”

“No,” I answer.

He pinches and twists my nipples, making me yelp.

“No, Boss,” I amend my statement.

He releases my nipples.

“Do you wish to adjust our plans for the weekend?” he asks in all sincerity.

“I do not, Boss,” I immediately answer and kneel before him.

He smiles down at me as I unzip his trousers. His cock springs free, as eager as I am for his release. I open my mouth, keeping my eyes trained upward, locked on his. I desperately want to use my hands, but this is not allowed yet. Friday night is for his pleasure, not mine. Of course, if I derive pleasure from his, that’s perfectly acceptable. Saturday is for my pleasure. Sunday is for retribution of any misdeeds.

I bob my head up and down, suck hard on his cock, keeping my tongue pressed against the underside of him. I suck him down into my throat, something not easy to do since he requires I maintain eye contact with him at all times. My jaw is aching and I’ve gagged three times. This, though, is adding to my own pleasure and I am about to climax when he grasps my hair and thrusts his cock deeply down my throat. His eyes close as he pumps is pleasure down, coating my throat with his sweet cream. I remain in place while he slowly opens his eyes, peering down at me.

Gently now, ne pulls is flaccid cock from my mouth and tucks it back inside his trousers. He holds out his hand and helps me to stand, inspecting my face and neck.

“Well done,” he praises. “You managed to swallow it all. Did you come?”

I blush, but answer honestly, “I did, Boss. Thank you.”

He laughs and tells me to put on the dress he laid out on the bed. It’s a loose fitting turtle neck which will hide my metal collar. Of course, there is no hiding my prominent nipples. The plug is pressing deeply, keeping me wet, and the metal lingerie is tight and restricting. I love it.

We sit at the a back table in the dark restaurant. Boss orders for me and we eat in near silence. When we finish, he announces we’re going for a walk in the park.

The park is dimly lit and boasts quite a number of trees, benches, bushes, and even a small pond. We are the only ones here it seems. He holds my hand as we walk and he asks, “I do believe that your bottom would look amazing with red welts decorating it, don’t you?”

I stumble then say, “It really isn’t for me to say, Boss.”

He laughs and tells me to go choose a stick from beneath a pine tree. When I have done so, Boss is not where I left him. I have to search the area for him. I finally see him standing behind a bench in a very dark area next to the pond. I take my stick to him and he swishes it in the air before nodding his approval.

“Over the bench,” he orders.

I hear the swish then feel the sting and smell the crushed pine needles. Seven times he whips my bottom with the branch.


He fiddles with the crotch of the steel panties then removes it. Before I can react, his cock is buried deep inside my dripping pussy and I have to bite my fist to keep from screaming as an orgasm rolls over me. His fingers dig into my hips as he pulls me into him. He fucks me without mercy until suddenly, he pulls out, spraying his hot cream across my scalding welts.

He keeps one hand on my back, effectively pinning me in place.

“Don’t move,” he warns.

He reattaches the crotch of the metal lingerie then flips my skirt back over my bottom and helps me to stand.

In silence, we walk back to the car.

Once back home, I remove the dress and stand before him. He kisses the back of my neck and says, “You are breathtaking wearing only metal, your ass marked by my hand and my cum. For your reward, you may choose which metal you will wear all night.”

I think carefully. The lingerie is terribly tight. The collar will chafe. The plug will keep me wet and horny.

“The plug, Boss,” I decide. He is pleased. Nonetheless, he removes all of my metal, including the plug.

“This will need more lubrication,” he states when I look at him questioningly.

I see which lubricant he has chosen. The slick oil which has been mixed with peppermint oil. I moan.

I cuddle up next to him, listening to his contented snores, as the oil tingles with a terrible wonderful sensation, knowing that tomorrow morning, I will be begging him to take my ass.

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